LMS Newsletter

Welcome back, staff, students, and families! We hope your Thanksgiving was filled with joy and relaxation. As we dive back into the school routine, let's carry the spirit of gratitude with us and remember the journey toward academic brilliance doesn't take a holiday, so let's dive back in with a fiery determination. Let's focus on our goals, keeping academics and attendance in mind as we push towards the winter break. Your dedication is the key to our collective success, and we're excited to see the incredible achievements ahead. Together, let's make every moment count on the path to excellence. Welcome back, and let's make this post-Thanksgiving season one of continued growth and accomplishment!

kid with book

Final Forms Weekly Update

Great news! We're thrilled to share that we've reached a fantastic 92% completion on our Final Forms submissions.

While we're well on our way, there's still a tiny portion left to complete – just 8% or 39 forms. If you haven't had the chance to submit your Final Forms yet, we kindly ask for your assistance in reaching our goal, or if you know someone who hasn't yet, let them know we are here to help.

In the spirit of continuous achievement, let's unite as a community to complete the remaining forms and make this a season of unity and accomplishment. Your contributions bring us closer to our target, and we celebrate each step forward in increasing our completion percentage.

If you need assistance or have any questions, Mrs. Dingledine is here to help. You can reach her at tammie.dingledine@london.k12.oh.us .



The Kid to Know from the SRO

Thank you so much for tuning in to all the "Kid to Know" editions from the SRO. We hope you've enjoyed getting to know some of the exceptional students at our middle school who are making a positive impact in their own unique ways. Your support and interest in showcasing the achievements and talents of these incredible kids mean a lot to me.

Be sure to join us again next week as we introduce you to another remarkable student in our ongoing series. Your continued engagement makes our efforts all the more rewarding, and we look forward to sharing more stories of success and determination. Until then, thank you for being a part of the "Kid to Know" community!

Attendance Matters - Stay in the Game

At London City Schools, we're on a mission to achieve stellar attendance for your students, and we're turning up the excitement! We urge parents, families, and caregivers to join forces with their students in crafting attendance goals that are as bold as they are. Together, let's champion the cause of academic triumph and make sure they don't just attend but excel – because, in the spirited words of our motto, let's make sure they "Stay in the Game" for unrivaled academic success! So, are you ready to keep the momentum alive? Stay in the Game!

For more information:

Click HERE - Stay in the Game Link

Click HERE -School Link

Click HERE for the latest LMS student attendance %'s for 23-24.



Lost and Found

In the spirit of community support, we wanted to bring your attention to various "lost and found" treasures gathered over the past few weeks. Your assistance in returning these items to their rightful owners is greatly appreciated.

Among the treasures in our lost and found collection, you'll find lunch boxes brimming with memories, pencil pouches filled with the bounty of new supplies, cozy jackets, and warm hoodies. This assortment is as diverse as the items on a communal table, and many of these belongings may hold a special place in the hearts of your students.

Before the hustle and bustle of school days take over, please take a moment to check with your students and see if any of these items are missing from their lives.

If your child happens to spot any of their belongings in our treasure trove, please encourage them to retrieve them from the designated area. Our heartfelt goal is to reunite each item with its owner.

However, in the spirit of giving, any unclaimed items by the end of the winter break will be lovingly donated to the Help House, a local charitable organization. This way, we can extend a helping hand to those in need, fostering a spirit of generosity and community support during this festive season.