Europa eu epso application passport

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How should I upload / link my supporting documents?

The day before your assessment centre tests at the latest, you must provide scanned copies of your relevant documents, supporting the information in your application form. These need to be:

A. uploaded to your EPSO account,
B. linked to your application form.

Details on the supporting documents to be uploaded can be found in the general rules governing open competitions attached to the notice of competition.

A. Upload documents to your EPSO account

Please first upload the scanned copies of your documents to your EPSO account by clicking the "Upload supporting documents" button available in your EPSO account.

Your relevant supporting documents may be related to one of the following 4 file types:

  1. ID Card/passport,
  2. education and training,
  3. professional experience,
  4. other documents.

You can upload up to 20 files for categories 1, 2 and 4 and up to 50 files for category 3 (2MB max. per file).

The documents must be PDF or JPG. No other file formats are supported.

Consider renaming your document in case of an error message: use only one dot (.) before the file extension (pdf, jpg) and avoid special characters (_-/ etc.) or blank spaces in the file name.

You can view a previously uploaded document by clicking on the Display icon (eye shaped) and you can delete a document by clicking on the waste bin icon. You can only delete a document that is not yet or no longer linked to an application.

B. Link documents to your application

Once you have uploaded your documents to your EPSO account, you must link them to the relevant data in your application by clicking the button "Link supporting documents" available next to each application in the "Application(s)" tab of your EPSO account.

By clicking the button "Link supporting documents" you access the list of supporting documents uploaded to your EPSO account. The documents are grouped by "File type". For each entry under “Education and Training” and “Professional Experience” you must link a document previously uploaded in the corresponding file type. Your ID Card/passport as well as your Talent screener information must also be supported by a linked document.

You may execute the following actions:

  1. Display (view) the document (eye shaped),
  2. Link the document (chain shaped),
  3. Unlink all documents (All on top)
  4. Unlink the document (broken chain shaped).

Supporting documents will not be transferred to the recruiting services.

Why can I not upload my supporting documents?

You can only upload supporting documents related to one of the following 4 categories:

  1. ID Card / passport,
  2. education and training,
  3. professional experience,
  4. other documents.

You can only upload up to 20 files for categories 1, 2 and 4 and up to 50 files for category 3.

Your files should have 2MB max. per file and they must be PDF or JPG. No other file formats are supported.

Consider renaming your document in case of an error message: use only one dot (.) before the file extension (pdf, jpg) and avoid special characters (_-/ etc.) or blank spaces in the file name.

When should I submit the documents supporting my professional experience and my diplomas?

Only candidates invited to the assessment centre test(s) should upload scanned copies of their relevant documents, supporting the information in their application form(s). In general, these documents must be uploaded and linked to the application on the day before the oral assessment centre test(s) at the latest.

Candidates to contract agent selection procedures (CAST/P) should not link supporting documents to their CAST/P application/s.

What are the main instructions to apply for an EPSO selection procedure? How will my personal data be handled?

The privacy statement provides information about the processing and the protection of your personal data.

By creating an EPSO account, candidates agree to abide by the rule regarding EPSO accounts (creation of a single EPSO account).

How can I change personal data in my EPSO account?

Click on “Personal data” at the left of the your EPSO account and follow the instructions to edit your personal information.

To change your family name (surname) / family name (surname) at birth / first name / gender/ date of birth / citizenship, send us a short summary of your request and a copy of an official document justifying the change (copy of your passport, national identity card, legal decision etc.) by email to Once your request has been accepted by EPSO, the change will be visible in your EPSO Account. Please note that any request to change personal details may be denied if no proof is provided within five days.

Please note that acceptance of this change will take several days so please do not create another identical request. Do not wait until the change(s) is/are validated, but go ahead with your application/test booking etc.

Note that you can’t change information in your validated application, but personal data changes are taken into account for your validated applications.

I forgot my password. What should I do?

Go to this page and follow the instructions.

We will send you an email with further instructions to the e-mail address in your EPSO account. You will have 24 hours to activate your new password after which the link will not work and you will need to resubmit the password change request.

If you are still having difficulty in logging into your account, contact EPSO support immediately.

Note: EPSO staff will NEVER ask you for your password via email. You will always sign in via a secure connection indicated by a little padlock.

I forgot my username (login). What should I do?

Go to this page and follow the instructions.

We will send you an email with further instructions to the e-mail address in your EPSO account. If you are still having difficulty in logging into your account, contact EPSO support immediately.

Note: EPSO staff will NEVER ask you for your password via email. You will always sign in via a secure connection indicated by a little padlock.

I cannot create, access and/or navigate my EPSO account with the technical assistance tools that I use as a result of my disability. What should I do?

Accessibility is very important to EPSO. We continually work to improve the accessibility of our communication and selection procedures.

However, if you run into difficulties linked to the accessibility of your EPSO account or of our website, please contact us straight away to share your observations, problems and recommendations.
If necessary, EPSO produces adapted formats accessible to assistive technology

For more information on EPSO's work to improve accessibility please visit our webpage dedicated to equal opportunities.

I can't log-on or consult my EPSO Account, what should I do?

Check that you are using the right login and password (see 'Forgot your username/login? Forgot your password?').

Reminder: you are not allowed to create more then one EPSO Account, but in case your EPSO Account was deleted, you can create a new one for your future applications. Your EPSO Account might have been deleted in line with our privacy statement on personal data protection. In summary, we regularly delete the following accounts: